Snoop was wrong for picking on Iggy, even though he had a point. If the truth were known. He is mad because he didn't get any play. I would bet him and or members of his crew hit on her.and hit a brick wall. She dates a baller and is nomnated for six "Soul Train Awards". That's a major accomplishment. No one has ever done that.
Don't crap where you eat. That's what Snoop just did. He may not want to do a collaboration. with Iggy. But what about J. Cole and Kendrick Lamar.? Iggy is the Eminen of this era. Snoop wants ti name the next queen, but he isn't the king. Don' t poison the well for everybody else.. Because you're out of the mix. I bet Wiz would love to work with her. Snoop should consider how his acions affect others and apologize.